On 7/3/2019 it was my schools biathlon. A biathlon is when you compete in two events. We did running and bike or scooter. We race people that are the same year as you. When Miss Scott my teacher said that we had to line up outside I got the shivers. We went to the bike or scooter area the people that brought their bike or scooter got their bike or scooter. I didn't bring my bike or scooter I was running the whole way. Some people from my class were standing next to the cone's that have school years on them for the little kids. Aft er that we went in the gym and did songs and go noodle. Then it was my years turn and me and my friends were so nervous. We had to go to the start on the field and go to the to flags. I had shivers down my spine and then we heard go and I went as fast as I could and I ended up in 4 place. Going through the course I was up to the field and I got the stitch and the stitch is when before you run you had to much water and when I was on the field my ribs were rubbing together and that is the stitch. Then when I went past my Mum and Dad my Dad started to run with me and I felt better. I was so close to the finished line my Dad made me run faster and faster so then I can start 4 and finish 4. I was so hot and I wanted cold water all over me. Here is a picture of me running.