
Thursday 15 April 2021

PH Level.

 Kia Ora,


We are trying to figure out if the chosen liquids are Alkaline, Neutral or Acid. 


First we got in a group of 3 or 4, then we got 5 test tubes and a test rack. After that we got some liquids in it including Vinegar, Sprite, Baking Soda, Sodium Hydroxide and Hydrochloric Acid. After that we put Red Cabbage Indicator in each and see the colors change. Yellow is not that strong acid and red is very strong acid. Every test tube turned red except for Sodium hydroxide.


Thank you for looking at my blog! Have a incredible day! Comment if you want

Wednesday 14 April 2021

Finding Dory

 Kia Ora,

Today I am sharing with you my music for a specific scene in Finding Dory. We have been using Sound Trap and Sound Nation. I made a beat and then I had to go on Kapwing. I put the beat and the scene together and now I have made it. Here it is:

I hope you like it! Have an enthusiastic day! Comment if you want

Monday 12 April 2021

Cats are better than dogs.

 Kia Ora,

Today I am sharing with you my writing about why 'Cats are better than dogs'. Here is my persuasive writing.

Do you like you cat snuggling up to you? Dogs never stay still, you’re never gonna get the same enjoyment with dogs. If you're wanting a cat you can get a cat for $200 at the SPCA but dogs can be as much as $6,000 for a Siberian husky! They are really messy and hard to keep clean. Dogs love getting wet and muddy and that leads to taking a bath. With cats they keep themselves clean and stay away from mess. This is why cats are better than dogs.

Have you ever seen a dog running around? See a dog running to the door as you turn the handle. Dogs will use all their energy then want to play again and will use all your time. When your trying to sleep they want to play catch. When you're trying to make something they knock it over. That’s an explanation for why dogs can’t stay still.

Dogs on it own is very expensive and if you add all it’s needs together it’s very expensive. Dog food is expensive than all of the dog food and dog toys together is a lot of money. When you get a dog you take it to the vet and get it some shots and that can be really expensive. You need a lot more like beds, leashes, collars and more. That’s why dogs are hard to keep cheap!

Dogs love mud and getting all dirty. If you take dogs on walks and they see water they are gonna jump in or at least try too. If you leave your door open the dog will probably run in and get muddy all over your floors and everything it touches. It can get all dirty and you wash it and then it gets dirty again. 

So now you can see why cats are better than dogs because cats are cleaner than dogs, dogs never stay still and always moving, dogs are expensive. That’s why I’m sure having a cute little cat is better than having a dog.